Electrolysis is a medically safe and effective method of permanent
hair removal, and is FDA approved for all skin and hair types. Each
hair is individually heat-treated using a fine, sterile probe that
emits a low-level electrical current. Insertions of this needle
or probe are comfortable and for anyone sensitive to treatments,
topical anesthetics are available to lessen heat sensations. These
treatments can be used alone or as "follow-up" to laser
hair removal. Electrolysis is a unique but lengthy process with a
high rate of success. It has stood the test of time and technology,
for it has been around for hundreds of years.
See also Laser services
History of Electrolysis
In ancient days it was considered attractive and intelligent to have
an abundance of hair. Towards the 17th century there was a change of
heart and an awareness that not all hair was appreciated or wanted
and that it detracted from the "beauty" of appearance.
During the long history of the "art" of beautification, men
and women have chosen a number of futile horrors to relieve them
selves of excess hair. Some of the first recorded hair removal
methods were indeed of the crude type, using any and all implements
with a sharp or hot edge: (sharpened seashells, broken glass, pumice
stones, candle wax, matches, and sulphuric acid). In most cases, skin
abrasions, scarring and disfigurement was the end result.
Over time, hair extrication methods improved with the less hostile
applications of scissors, tweezers, strip wax, chemical depilatories,
and bleaching creams. By today's standards all are still appropriate
for use, but none eradicate hair permanently.
Electrolysis is another method of hair removal that was first devised
in 1891 and is capable of removing hair permanently. It is FDA
approved and well documented in medical and science journals as being
both safe and effective.
The present reputation of the field of electrology for permanently
removing hair is in large part due to the thoroughness of technique
and the skill of the electrologist. Electrolysis is a unique process
and the procedure is a methodical art form not just anyone can
perform. Pour Le Corps has been performing electrolysis for over 15
years and has received the Best of Boston award from Boston Magazine.
Excessive Hair Growth
Any of the "changes in life" may cause hair to grow.
Changes in Life
Puberty - early teens, when organs of reproduction have matured, hair develop.
Adolescence - from puberty to adulthood, developments of hair on chin
and lip.
Pregnancy - conception of the sperm and ova, development of an
embryo and placenta.
Childbirth - expulsion of fetus and placenta (placenta becomes an
endocrine gland during pregnancy).
Menopause - cessation of menses, decrease of estrogen, predomination
of male hormone.
Endocrine glands work as a team and secrete hormones into the blood
stream to the vital organs requiring them. When one gland is not
functioning properly the entire endocrine system is thrown off
balance, often causing hair to grow.
Hereditary factors passed on from generation to generation hold the
genetic link that makes one predisposed to excessive hair growth. You
are, as they say, your genes.
Racial & Climatic is considered another genetic mechanism that
may be attributed to hair growth. Many people of certain races and
warmer regions have more hair.
Injury & Stimulation work synonymously as injury stimulates the
growth of hair. Shaving, tweezing, waxing or other injury causes skin
tissue damage, resulting in an increased blood supply, which
nourishes hair cells.
Nervous Disorders can increase or decrease the supply of blood to the
roots of hairs influencing hair to grow.
Muscular Disorders cause dilations of blood vessels that add
nourishment to the roots of hairs from strain of bodily movements.
Cancer may cause excess hair to form from the rapid degeneration of
cells from the body.
How Hair Grows
Hair forms in a pouch-like structure below the skin called a hair
follicle. What we see is actually the hair shaft, which is the
keratinized, hardened tissue that grows from this follicle.
Humans have more hair follicles per square inch of skin than higher
primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas. Because most of this
hair is fine and pale (called vellus hair), it usually is not visible
to the naked eye. Consider this: the forehead has more hair follicles
than any other part of the body. The thicker, fully pigmented hair
most people consider "real hair" is called terminal hair.
This hair is found on the scalp, eyebrows, legs, back, and underarms.
Everyone's hair grows differently, depending on age, weight,
metabolism, hormones, ethnicity, hereditary, climate, life changes,
glandular disturbances, and other factors. All hair passes through
the following three distinct growth phases:
Anagen Phase - the active growth phase which lasts up to several
years. At any given time, the majority (85%) of our body hair is in
this phase. During the anagen phase, the hair has an abundance of melanin.
Catagen Phase - the regressive phase lasts about two weeks, during
which the hair stops growing but is not yet ready to shed. About 3-4%
of our body hair is in this phase at any given time.
Telogen Phase - the resting phase lasts about 5-6 weeks, at the end
of which the hair falls out and a new hair begins to formulate.
Approximately 10-13% of our body hair is in this phase at any one time.
Eyebrow Shaping
Perfectly Spaced Eyebrows

The most outstanding feature of a woman's face is her eyes and the
eyebrows play an important feature role because they frame and
enhance the eyes. Many women neglect to think about the eyebrows in
this fashion.
Eyebrows have the power to convey the messages of expression and
mood. An unsightly and unbalanced expression will be conveyed if the
eyebrows are not shaped or maintained properly.
When designing a set of brows it is vital to take into consideration
an individual's features such as their eyes, cheekbones, nose, lips
and facial shape. The placement and size of these features are the
determining factor of the eyebrow design, not the current fashion fad
or trend.
While there is no perfect technique or style for everyone, here are
some basic guidelines to follow when shaping eyebrows and the removal
of hair in doing so.
Optical Illusions
The illustration below shows three sets of identical eyes with three
different eyebrow shapes. The eyes are the same width apart yet each
set looks different. Eyebrows, depending on their shape, can create
either a positive or negative optical illusion.

Measurement Of Eyebrows

To measure the eyebrow accurately, carefully hold a pencil at the
side of the nose, lining it up with the inside corner of the eye.
This is the spot where the brows should begin (1).
Next, carefully move the pencil so it is touching the side of the
nostril and the outer corner of the eye. This is where the brow
should end (2).
The high point of the eyebrow arch should be directly above the outer
edge of the iris of the eye (3).